
2022년 9월 23일 온타리오주의사당 앞 퀸즈파크에서 열린 <세계기후재난 대응> 집회에 참석했습니다. 스웨덴의 청소년 환경운동가 그레타 툰베리의 제안으로 시작되어 세계청소년 조직으로 발전한 Friday For Future가 중심이 되고 캐나다내 환경단체 활동가들및 원주민 조직 노동 조합원 등이 총동원되어 열린 집회 였습니다. 300여명의 시위대가이윤이 아니라 사람을! (People No Profit) , 기후 정의, 지금 당장! (Climate Justice, Right NOW!) 구호를 외치며 시내 중심가를 행진했습니다.
On September 23, 2022, HNET proudly joined the Global Climate Strike held at Queen’s Park in Toronto. The strike was centered around the Fridays for Future movement, which was initiated by Greta Thunberg and has since inspired millions of people around the world to take action against climate change.
The event brought together a diverse range of environmental and Aboriginal groups, all united in their commitment to promoting climate justice and fighting against the profit-driven forces that threaten our planet. More than 300 people marched through downtown Toronto, chanting powerful slogans such as “People, not profit!” and “Climate justice, right now!”.
For HNET, participating in the Global Climate Strike was an important opportunity to show our support for this critical issue and connect with like-minded individuals and groups who share our passion for protecting the environment. We are proud to have played a small part in this inspiring and meaningful event and look forward to continuing our efforts to promote sustainability and environmental justice in the future.