
2022 9 16 한국의 민주화와 통일을 바라는 토론토 한인 원로 모임인 민주원탁에 정필상 대표가 초대되어 강의 형식의 대화 시간을 가졌습니다. 그동안 모국의 민주화를 위해 애써주신 분들께 환경위기가 중요한 인권 이슈인지 캐나다에 살고 있는 한인으로서 무엇을 함께할 수있는지 설명하고 공감을 얻는 소중한 자리 였습니다.

On September 16, 2022, Phillip Jung, the president of HNET, had the honor of delivering a thought-provoking lecture to the Korean Canadian Democratic Community. The lecture focused on the connection between climate change and human rights, exploring the ways in which these two critical issues intersect and impact one another.

The Korean Canadian Democratic Community, an organization committed to promoting democracy in Korea, was eager to explore ways to address climate change together as Korean Canadians. Phillip’s lecture provided a valuable and insightful perspective on the issue, encouraging members of the community to think more deeply about the urgent need for action in protecting the planet and promoting environmental sustainability.

The lecture succeeded at generating productive discussion and inspiring members of the community to become more actively involved in the fight against climate change. HNET is proud to have had the opportunity to contribute to this important conversation and looks forward to continued collaboration with the Korean Canadian Democratic Community in the future.