2022년 7월 7일 열린 본한인교회와 온라인 동시 강좌로서 김신영 박사 (장신대에서 신학을 서울대에서 환경공학을 공부, 기독교 환경교육센터 살림 부소장) 를 모시고 강연을들었습니다. 특히 생명세계의 보전을 위탁받은 기독교인으로서 기후위기의 시대에 어떤신앙과 삶을 살아야 하는지 깊이 생각해 보는 시간이 되었습니다. 앞으로 녹색교회를 장려하고 기독교인들의 친환경 실천을 조직하기 위해 기독교분과 (가칭) 활동이 필요함을 공감하게 되었습니다
On July 7, 2022, HNET hosted a compelling lecture at Vaughan Community Church, delivered by Dr. Shin Young Kim on the important role that Christians can play as messengers of environmental protection. Dr. Kim brought a unique perspective to the topic, drawing on her dual background in theology, having studied at Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, as well as her expertise in environmental engineering from Seoul National University.
Dr. Kim’s passion for eco-friendly practices among Christians is reflected in her work as Vice President of Eco Christ Sallim, an esteemed organization dedicated to promoting sustainable and eco-friendly practices within the Christian community.
The lecture sparked meaningful discussions among attendees and inspired all those present to consider how their faith can play a role in protecting the planet. We are grateful to Dr. Kim for sharing her insights with us, and we look forward to continuing to explore this important topic in our ongoing efforts to create a more sustainable future for all.